
The Single Most Overlooked Component of Trading


Trading in the financial markets is a complex and challenging process that requires a deep understanding of various components. While traders often focus on indicators, technical analysis, market trends, portfolio management, etc., to make profitable trades, one essential trading component often gets ignored – time.


Unveiling a Daily Routine of a Successful Trader

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Is there an ultimate successful day trader lifestyle that is easy and adaptable to both Forex traders, stock traders, and any other kind?

Welcome to the realm of an FBS trader, where he managed to maintain his daily trading routine. With an arsenal of a mobile device in hand, essential trading tools, and an unwavering commitment to self-discipline, he reached impressive results month after month. This November, he closed 21 orders with a net profit of almost $9000.

In this article, we will discover his steps, hints, and advice to trade in a market. Whether you’re a stock trader or a regular Forex enjoyer, his tips on day trader lifestyle will come in handy.


What Are Order Blocks In Forex?


Retail traders aren't the only players in the Forex market. In addition to them, there are other, much larger participants like central banks and financial institutions. Since they have much more funds than an average trader, they usually make large transactions divided into order blocks.

In this article, you will learn what Forex order blocks are, how to find them on a price chart, and how you can use them to your advantage.


Mastering Forex Trading Performance in 2024


2024 is not far off, which makes now a good time to think about your New Year’s resolutions. And what better way to use your newfound energy and festive mood than to improve your trading performance? In this article, you will learn what trading skills you should work on in order to master your Forex trading performance in 2024.


Unleashing Your Trading Potential: Strategies to Reach New Heights


Trading can be lucrative and exciting for those willing to invest their time and resources. However, navigating the world of finance can be challenging, and many traders need help. To unleash your trading potential and reach new heights, implementing strategies might be beneficial in achieving your goals.


Are You an Independent or Dependent Trader?


Trading is an activity that generously rewards quick thinking and independence. However, many traders, particularly beginners, find it hard to fully separate their trading experience from outside influences. In this article, you will learn whether you are a dependent or an independent trader, why gaining independence is important in trading, and how you can achieve independence on your own.


How to Set and Achieve Realistic Trading Goals


The Forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world, so many traders decide to try their hand at Forex trading in hopes of becoming successful. However, it often appears that those new to Forex trading (and trading as a whole) fail to set realistic goals for themselves.

In this article, you will learn why it's important to establish reasonable trading goals, how your trading experience may affect your future goals, and what you need to consider to set realistic and achievable goals.


Revealing the Vulnerabilities: Identifying the Weakest Link in Your Trading Chain


Traders are often thought of as the backbone of the trading chain. However, traders can also be the weakest link themselves. As a trader, it is essential to recognize the weak sides that can obstruct your success and ability to navigate the complexities of the market. By understanding and addressing these weaknesses, traders can strengthen their trading chain and increase their chances of achieving consistent profitability. In this article, we will delve into traders’ vulnerabilities and explore strategies to enhance your position in the trading chain.


Comparing Simple Moving Average vs. Exponential Moving Average


Moving averages are tools frequently used in trading strategies. When used correctly and with knowledge, they can be of great advantage. This article covers the difference between EMA and SMA, calculating Exponential Moving Average, setting EMA for trading, and using EMA-based strategies.


Pillars of Success in Forex Trading


Creating a reliable foundation is essential to propelling traders toward the heights of financial possibilities in the inspiring and versatile world of global currencies. To achieve success, it’s important to know that Forex trading rests on four sturdy pillars:

  • solid strategy
  • well-developed risk management
  • strict trading discipline
  • and continuous learning

Trading Forex can be highly beneficial if you approach it with the proper knowledge and mindset. To achieve consistency and navigate the dynamic currency market successfully, Forex traders should focus on mastering four key pillars. This article will explore each pillar of Forex trading, providing valuable insights to help traders thrive in their Forex trading journey.


What is Stop-Loss in Trading: Complete Guide for Beginners


Understanding and effectively managing risks is an essential part of successful Forex trading. Among the various risk management tools available to traders, the stop-loss order stands out as one of the most efficient ways to protect your funds in the dynamic and unpredictable currency market. If you’re new to the world of Forex trading and eager to learn about the basics, this article will serve as a comprehensive introduction.

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